Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Verbal to Writing

At the basis of handwriting is communication. It used to be that they would pass on tales by stories from generation to generation. As the world continued on, they started using pictures.

Sumerian cuneiform developed around 3000 BC, then developed the Egyptian hieroglyphs around 2800 BC. Writing allows cultures to record the different events that happen in their everyday lives. Around 1500 BC the ancient Phoenician Alphabet developed. This alphabet consisted of 22 phonetically-based symbols. After awhile as time continued on, Christianity had more influence and Bibles were distributed as fast as they could right them by hand. Another style of writing was Celtic. This involved writing the letters with 1-inch square guides. These were known as uncials. After some time passed the first typewriter in the US was developed after the Civil War by Christopher Sholes. Johannes Gutenburg created the printing press in 1440 (moveable type). Since then the printing press has developed further so that we are able to print papers considerably faster.

Sumerian Cuneiform:

Egyptian hieroglyphs:

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