Monday, August 24, 2009

Types of Fingerprints

Latent Fingerprint: a fingerprint made by deposits of oils and/or perspiration, not usually visible to the human eye. Various technologies, including lasers, can be used to identify latent prints.

Direct fingerprints: obvious to the human eye and are caused by a transfer of foreign material on the finger, onto a surface. Because they are already visible they need no enhancement they are usually photographed instead of being lifted in the same manner as latent prints (i.e blood prints)

Plastic Fingerprints: occurs when the finger touches or presses against a plastic material in such a way that a negative impression of the friction ridge is produced. These types of prints are generally found in places like a newly painted object, wax from candles or sealants, in the gum on envelopes and stamps, on substances that melt easily or soften when they are held in the hand. An example of this would be chocolate.


The International Association for Identification was created in 1915 just for fingerprint analysis. In early years, fingerprints can be found on artifacts such as clay pots. There are fingerprints on many different historical artifacts and other means of identification as well (some of these will be discussed later in the blog). Since no fingerprint is exactly alike, fingerprinting is a good tool to use in the identification of a criminal or someone else.

Timeline of Fingerprints

1686: The history of fingerprinting doesn't have a clear cut beginning but one of the first recorded fingerprint discussions was in 1686
1858: Sir William J. Herschel took the first documented fingerprints in India
1901: Fingerprinting was officially introduced for use for criminal identification in England and Wales

September 10th 1984: The accidental discovery of DNA Fingerprinting
2001: A History of Fingerprinting. And Criminal Identification. By Simon A. Cole


After all the fingerprint discoveries, experiments, and conversations; Illinois finally began electronic capture of fingerprints in1992. I looked back to find something further back in history to relate to fingerprints. In the Late BC, Nova Scotia prehistoric picture writing of hand are found with ridges in them. Also, in the 8th century AD Chinese documents refer to business contracts when fingerprints are impressed on them. As I looked through the historical facts, there were many really old things that I would never had otherwise wanted to look up.


Sunday, August 23, 2009

Fingerprint Pattern Type

Lifting Prints

Ways of Lifting Fingerprints:

There are a variety of colors of powder you can use depending on which one shows the best contrast to where the fingerprint is. Most examiners with experience find that the black or gray powder is the best to use. The black is composed of charcoal and works best with light colored surfaces. Then the gray is composed mainly of aluminum dust and it is used on dark color surfaces. The gray powder can also be used on mirror or metal surfaces because these will photograph black. Flouresencent powder can also be used on latent prints. The powder will make the print light up or flouresce under ultraviolet light. Another method is with iodine fuming. However when the process stops the print begins to fade.

Lifting prints off surfaces can be done with clear tape that you liie on the print. You don't push down on it. If you do then it will smudge the print. Another way, and mind you much simpler is to take a picture. Once you have the print where you can see it you can take a picture (make sure your photographer has a steady hand). If possible I'd advise to take a picture first and then lift the print very carefully.